Top 8 AI UX Tools Every UX Designer Should Know

Alien - UX Design Agency
5 min readFeb 26, 2024


AI, AI, AI, everywhere. You’re probably tired of hearing about AI in every post and article that you come across. And most of these posts talk about how AI is here to take away your job as a UX designer.

It’s true that AI has immense power to improve efficiency, reshape industries, and revolutionize the way we work and live. It can process large amounts of data and generate interesting insights such as consumer behavior and market trends to aid us in better decision-making. Be it in UX research or content generation, UX UI AI generator tools can automate many parts of the complex processes of UX Design.

So in short, will AI replace UX designers?

One of the popular quotes that is floated around by leading UX experts is that- AI cannot replace UX designers, but people using AI can. According to a survey by Adobe, 62% UX designers are already using AI to increase productivity and automate repetitive tasks. AI UX tools tools can assist UX designers in their daily tasks, but not replace them. This is because at the heart of UX design is empathy, critical thinking, and creativity. It’s not simply about patching pretty visuals together but creating a product that resonates with real humans. Designing for humans means understanding the complexities of human behavior and simplifying their experience with innovative solutions. AI UX tools are not capable of such nuanced understanding.

The first step to making yourself replaceable in this rapidly evolving technological landscape is to overcome the fear of AI and embrace these tools to accelerate your progress.

Here are 8 best AI tools for UX designers

1. Uizard

This is a UI Design tool that can bring your ideas to life that is, your wireframes to stunning visuals in seconds without spending hours on Figma or Adobe. With its new feature of turning text into design, users simply have to describe their project and pick styles to generate mockups.

2. Jasper

Writing for your apps and websites doesn’t include just filling it with words, but also ensuring that the copies are consistent and follow your brand voice and tone. Jasper is one such tool that analyzes your brand and suggests copies aligning with your distinct voice and tone. One of the biggest struggles of UX writers is not only simplifying information in a concise manner but also conveying the brand personality. Jasper helps broaden ideas and speed up the overall process.

3. Galileo AI

Similar to Uizard, we have another UX automation tools that can generate striking UI designs based on your text input. The generated UI designs can be edited on Figma. Leveraging large language models, this AI tool for UX Designer also creates product copies that suit the context.

4. VisualEyes

This AI tool for UX research simulates eye-tracking studies, preference tests, and generates heat maps like data visuals that can give 93% accurate results. It gives insights by studying these three areas- attention maps, clarity score, and areas of interest. Attention maps and clarity scores are a replacement for eye-tracking studies and attention heatmaps to save time and resources.

5. Khroma

Can’t figure out which colors to use? To make the visual designers’ lives easier, Khroma analyzes your favorite colors to produce similar shades and multiple combinations which are neatly categorized into Text, Gradient, Picture, and Poster. This helps you to choose beautiful color palettes that carry the brand personality of your product.

6. Visily

You don’t have to erase and remake wireframes every time a new idea pops up. Visily can convert hand-drawn sketches into wireframes or even allow you to extract the wireframes from screenshots of existing designs. This means that you don’t have to start from scratch, you can understand the existing designs and iterate as per your product needs. Some upcoming features on their platform include text to design AI and export directly to Figma.

7. Fronty

Many UX designers don’t know how to code, but AI tools for UX designer like Fronty can still help them translate designs into code without any knowledge. It converts images into HTML and CSS code and users can also enhance and edit the final product on Fronty’s no-code editor.

8. Magician Design

How many hours have you spent trying to find the perfect icon? With Magician Design, you can input text to generate unique icons and directly implement them on the product from their Figma plugin Additionally, this platform also helps in generating images and copies from text to streamline your entire design process.

To conclude, the buzz around AI is here to stay and UX designers need embrace AI UX tools as an ally in harnessing their true potential to create empowering products. By using these tools, UX designers should allow AI to assist in tasks like rapid prototyping, content generation, user testing etc so they can bring the best products for users and remain at the forefront in the UX landscape.

What’s your favourite AI UX tool?

Read more:

AI in FIntech User Experience

AI Impact in Insurance



Alien - UX Design Agency

Product and Webflow design agency for startups and enterprises. Clients - HDFC, Aditya Birla, TVS, Cavin Kare, IIFL, etc. Awwwards, CSS Winner, FWA awards.